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about me

Hi, I am an Interior Designer that has a passion for making jewelry and all things beautiful. I am married to my best friend and I have two wonderful boys. When I am not busy keeping track of my three guys, my time is spent with my Interior Design business or you can find me in my studio making jewelry or doing anything crafty! Most people call my style simple elegance. The look is often eclectic because I love many styles and I enjoy integrating them into a cohesive look. I have created this blog to share all things that I think are beautiful, creative and maybe even bring some inspiration to anyone who may come across it. I love to feature fellow artisans and showcase their own incredible works of art. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy my blog.

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  1. Name: BroadBase Media
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    Subject: Working together.


    We manage the Affiliate Program for several websites that we think may be a great fit for you and your audience. These sites include, and

    Please let us know if you would have some time to chat, or shoot us an email and we can discuss further.

    Thank you in advance

